Discount on lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite or general massage from Irina Yurchishina

Odessa, Marshal Malinovsky street, 53A

Masseur irina yurchishina4.3866 user feedbacks
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Description of the campaign

With the coupon you get a discount for 3, 5, 7 or 10 sessions of lymphatic drainage, manual anti-cellulite or general full body massage at the massage studio of Irina Yurchishina.

Service description

Lymphatic drainage massage

If in a short period of time you need to reduce to the size of your favorite dress, then lymphatic drainage is exactly what will help you quickly and, most importantly, with pleasure, reduce your volume.

After the first massage session, it may seem to you that the trousers began to sit more freely on you than before the massage. And all from the fact that excess fluid has left your fat cells. During the course of lymphatic drainage massage, it is quite possible to lose up to 5 cm in volume.

How massage works

The massage is carried out on the "problem" areas: legs (calves and thighs), buttocks and abdomen. With light, squeezing movements, the massage therapist expels moisture from your fat cells, as well as metabolic products. All this is removed from the cells by the lymphatic system.

The movements during the massage are slow, fluid, because the outflow of lymph itself is very slow compared to the circulation of blood. Rapid movements can injure blood vessels. The thicker and slower the lymph, the more decay products it contains. As the course of lymphatic drainage massage progresses, the lymph will become more liquid and more fluid, therefore, the liquid, along with metabolic products, will be excreted faster. At the same time, the cells, getting rid of excess moisture, decrease in size. Due to the fact that the vessels, which were previously squeezed by swollen inflamed cells, cease to be pinched, oxygen enters the cells better. Collagen fibers, which distribute adipose tissue, after a decrease in cells, begin to receive their collagen, which was previously received in insufficient quantities.

Who is massage indicated for

Lymphatic drainage massage is recommended for everyone who wants to improve the blood supply to tissues and the outflow of excess fluid from cells along with decay products that poison cells. Massage is recommended for obesity, for injuries accompanied by tissue edema, in the postoperative period, as part of the anti-cellulite program. When fighting cellulite, it is not recommended to knead the subcutaneous fatty tissue on the edematous tissues.

Anticellulite massage

The effect of anti-cellulite massage on the body. Anti-cellulite massage stimulates processes inside the body, thanks to which it is possible to remove excess water and toxins from fat cells and subcutaneous fat, and thereby reduce or completely eliminate cellulite.

The main stages of the effect of massage on cellulite:

  • Activation of blood circulation in problem areas.
  • Activation of the movement of lymph throughout the body.
  • Creation of conditions under which anti-cellulite creams have the maximum positive effect.
  • Activation of fluid movement in tissues.
  • With such a stimulating effect, it is much easier for the body to get rid of substances that form cellulite, and ultimately to please a woman with beautiful external forms.

General massage

It is no coincidence that full body massage is considered one of the most useful and effective procedures both for normalizing health and improving mood. Firstly, with the help of general massage, the muscle corset is contracted and relaxed, due to which it becomes more elastic and elastic, excess lactic acid, which is often the cause of pain symptoms after intense physical exertion, is eliminated. This procedure restores tone even to atrophied muscles, which is especially useful after injuries of various kinds. It is the effect on the muscles that brings a relaxing effect, has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

To enhance the effect of the massage, essential oils can be used during the session. So, lavender is excellent soothing, frankincense helps to cope with insomnia, orange oil has a tonic effect, and ylang-ylang is suitable as an aphrodisiac.
Secondly, general massage significantly improves blood circulation and lymph flow, promotes the expansion of capillaries, and the elimination of toxins from the body. Thanks to this, the tissues and organs of the body receive more nutrition and oxygen, which has a positive effect on both well-being and the condition of the skin. So, improving blood circulation often relieves severe headaches and normalizes blood pressure, improves complexion, makes the skin more elastic and taut.

Another effect of a properly performed full body massage is drainage. A full course of procedures promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body, due to which edema of both extremities and face passes, cell regeneration and skin flabbiness is accelerated, and body contours are improved.

In addition, general body massage prevents the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and helps to eliminate them, promotes weight loss, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and metabolism, relieves mental stress and even improves immunity. During the session, a large amount of the hormone endorphin is also produced, which means that the massage brings joy and satisfaction to the patient.

Additionally paid


  • Option 1: with a discount coupon you get 3 sessions of lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite or general massage with an additional payment on the spot 750 UAH (the original cost of the service is 1500 UAH).
  • Option 2: with a discount coupon you get 5 sessions of lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite or general massage with an additional payment on the spot of UAH 1250 (the original cost of the service is UAH 2500).
  • Option 3: with a discount coupon you get 7 sessions of lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite or general massage with an additional payment on the spot of UAH 1575 (original cost of the service is UAH 3500).
  • Option 4: with a discount coupon you get 10 sessions of lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite or general massage with surcharge on the spot 2000 UAH (the original cost of the service is 5000 UAH).

How to use a coupon?

The price of the Coupon (Information Service) is non-refundable and non-refundable. Exclusion is possible only if the partner refuses to provide the service.

The price includes payment for information services provided by SuperDeal on the basis of the Public Offer, including the commission of payment systems for transactions on the Internet.


  • Services are provided as usual.
  • With a subscription, only one person can attend the massage.
  • Weight restrictions - up to 90 kg.
  • Before buying a coupon, be sure to check the availability of seats for the desired date and time.


  • One customer can use an unlimited number of coupons.
  • Coupon discounts are not cumulative with other promotional offers.
  • To receive a discount, you must present the coupon in electronic form.
  • If you signed up for the procedure, but did not come at the specified time and did not warn you about the cancellation of the visit in 24 hours, or were late for more than 10 minutes, the administration reserves the right to refuse to provide services with a discount and the session is considered passed.
  • The duration of one session is 50 minutes.
  • The procedure is performed by a masseur (woman) with over 28 years of experience.


  • Mon-Fri - 10:00-18:00 (time outside the schedule is negotiated with the master).

  • Refunds for Information Services are carried out exclusively on the grounds provided for in Art. 10 of the Law of Ukraine 'On Protection of Consumer Rights'. To refund the cost of the Information Service, the User provides SuperDeal with the Seller's confirmation (in any form) that the Seller refused to transfer the Goods to the User on Special Conditions.
Masseur irina yurchishina 4.38

Massage studio

Phones: +38 (073) 475-09-28

Irina Yurchishina is a professional massage therapist in Odessa. The master provides massage services (all types), body shaping, peels, scrubs, SPA programs and wraps.

By visiting a masseur, you find yourself in the hands of a specialist with extensive experience. Irina will help get rid of pain, extra centimeters, or just relax after hard days.

Professional massage is not just a pleasure, but also a way to take care of your health. Sign up for a massage to Irina Yurchishina and get discounts and enjoyment.

1 address in 1 city

Odessa, Marshal Malinovsky street, 53A

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