Deals 58
- ⏰Black Friday⏰
- Kontraktova ploscha
- from 11.11.2024 to 31.01.2025
1 Visit to the quest room Anticorruption Bureau
Kyiv, Yaroslavskaya street, 15/23 - ⏰Black Friday⏰
- Zoloti Vorota
- from 11.11.2024 to 31.01.2025
1 Visit to the quest room Jurassic Park
Kyiv, Reitarskaya street, 7B - Zoloti Vorota
- from 13.11.2023 to 30.11.2024
24 Visit to the quest room Mousetrap
Kiev, Reytarskaya street, 7B - Kontraktova ploscha
- from 06.10.2023 to 30.11.2024
35 Visit to the quest room “Partisan Headquarters”
Kyiv, Yaroslavskaya street, 15/23 - Zoloti Vorota
2 Deal is completedVisit to the quest room «Mousetrap» від «ZiGRAYMO»
Kiev, Reytarskaya street, 7B - Zoloti Vorota
13 Deal is completedQuest Room «Lock, Stock, Two Barrels»
Kiev, Proreznaya street, 22B - Zoloti Vorota
4 Deal is completedVisiting the Quest Room «Partisan Headquarters»
Kiev, Yaroslavskaya street, 15/23 - Zoloti Vorota
36 Deal is completedQuest room «Lock, Stock, Two Barrels»
Kiev, Proriznaya street, 22B - Zoloti Vorota
6 Deal is completedVisit to the quest room «Mousetrap» від «ZiGRAYMO»
Kiev, Reitarskaya street, 7B - Kontraktova ploscha
16 Deal is completedVisiting the quest room «Partisan headquarters»
Kiev, Yaroslavskaya street, 15/23 - Zoloti Vorota
5 Deal is completedQuest room «Lock, Stock, Two Barrels»
Kiev, Proriznaya street, 22B - Zoloti Vorota
Deal is completedVisit to the Quest Room «Mousetrap» from Zigraymo
Kiev, Reitarskaya street, 7B - Kontraktova ploscha
5 Deal is completedVisit to the Quest Room «Partisan Headquarters»
Kiev, Yaroslavskaya street, 15/23 - Zoloti Vorota
154 Deal is completedVisit to the quest room «Мousetrap» from ZiGRAYMO
Kiev, Reytarskaya street, 7В - Zoloti Vorota
58 Deal is completedVisit to the quest room «Partisan headquarters»
Kiev, Yaroslavskaya street, 15/23 - Zoloti Vorota
50 Deal is completedQuest room "lock, stock, two trunks"
Kiev, Proriznaya street, 22b - Zoloti Vorota
242 Deal is completedVisit to the quest room «Jurassic park»
Kiev, Reytarskaya street, 7В - Zoloti Vorota
60 Deal is completedVisit to the quest room "ward no. 6" from "zigraymo"
Kiev, Proriznaya street, 22b - Kontraktova ploscha
118 Deal is completedVisit to the quest room «Аnti-corruption bureau»
Kiev, Yaroslavskaya street, 15/23 - Kontraktova ploscha
2 Deal is completedПосещение квеста «Партизанский штаб» от Zigraymo
Киев, Ярославская улица, 15/23 - Zoloti Vorota
2 Deal is completedПосещение квеста «Мышеловка» от «Zigraymo»
Киев, Рейтарская улица, 7Б - Zoloti Vorota
262 Deal is completedПосещение квест-комнаты «Палата №6» от «ZiGRAYMO»
Киев, Прорезная улица, 22Б - Zoloti Vorota
183 Deal is completedКвест-комната «Карты, деньги, два ствола»
Киев, Прорезная улица, 22Б - Zoloti Vorota
Deal is completedАренда VR-шлема с доставкой от «ZiGRAYMO»
Киев, Ярославская улица, 15/23