Hotel Edem (Lviv)

1248  feedbacks
Lviv, Gorodotskaya street, 95A
Hotel Edem in Lviv, discounts on accommodation
Hotel Edem in Lviv, discounts on accommodation
Hotel Edem in Lviv, discounts on accommodation
Hotel Edem in Lviv, discounts on accommodation
Hotel Edem in Lviv, discounts on accommodation
Hotel Edem in Lviv, discounts on accommodation

Deals 13

About company Edem (Lviv)

Hotel «Edem» is located in Lviv close to the main attractions. It offers Wi-Fi and parking. Rooms are equipped with comfortable furniture and TVs. Guests can visit a restaurant with Ukrainian cuisine and a coffee shop with real Lviv coffee.

Video review of the hotel «Edem»

Rooms of the hotel «Edem»

Family two-room
Junior Suite

Room area - 38 sq. m.

In the room:

  • Large double bed 160 x 200 cm
  • Double sofa bed
  • Closet
  • Coffee table
  • Desktop
  • Two Smart TVs
  • Wi-Fi
  • Telephone
  • Two air conditioners
  • Safe
  • Bathroom: shower, bidet, toilet, washbasin, hairdryer, toiletries, towels


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