Ticket service Kontramarka

576  feedbacks
17 addresses in 4 cities
Promotional tickets from the concert service "Kontramarka"
Discounts on tickets from the concert service "Kontramarka"
"Kontramarka" ticket service
Promotions from the "Kontramarka" service
Circus tickets from "Kontramarka"
Tickets to theaters from "Kontramarka"

Promocodes 6

  • sale
    Вже використали 106 times
    To get a discount, click the «Go» button and make your choice. The promotional offer is already valid on the website.
    From6/4/24 Before10/20/24


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    Вже використали 203 times
    To get a discount, click the «Go» button and make your choice.
    From6/4/24 Before10/20/24


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    Вже використали 45 times
    To get a discount, click the «Get» button and make your choice. The promotional offer is already valid on the site.
    From8/11/23 Before12/9/23


  • promocode
    Вже використали 2639 times
    Введите промокод в специальное поле при заказе. Kontramarka.ua - ведущий национальный билетный оператор Украины. Простая и удобная онлайн-система продаж позволит в считанные секунды приобрести лучшие билеты на все мероприятия страны.
    From2/10/16 Before12/7/16


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    Вже використали 106 times
    25 февраля 2016 состоится V ежегодная церемония награждения главной музыкальной премии страны «YUNA»! V церемония главной музыкальной премии страны «YUNA» наградит лучших в музыке 25 февраля 2016 во Дворце «Украина». Номинантами стали: Иван Дорн, Тина Кароль, «The HARDKISS», Макс Барских, MONATIK, Потап и Настя, LOBODA, «Океан Эльзы», «Mozgi», «Quest Pistols Show», Jamala и другие.
    From1/19/16 Before3/31/16


  • sale
    Вже використали 1896 times
    Агентство Kontramarka.ua - это простой и удобный сервис для покупки билетов онлайн на развлекательные мероприятия Украины. Главная задача нашего сервиса заключается в комфортном и быстром способе покупки билетов на концерты, спектакли, фестивали, цирковые представления и спортивные мероприятия.
    From1/19/16 Before1/21/16


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About company Kontramarka

"Kontramarka": online purchase of tickets for entertainment events

"Kontramarka" is a service that distributes tickets for concert and entertainment events online. In the event-field, the company provides information at the national level about cultural events that visitors of the site can attend.

The value of the service lies in the ability to purchase a ticket at an affordable price and independently choose a seat in the auditorium. The Maestro Ticket System, which has been in operation since 2013, has connected large theaters, clubs, stadiums, cinemas, museums and concert venues to the Kontramarki service. This provides site customers with access to diverse cultural and entertainment events, information about which comes from the reliability


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"Kontramarka": online purchase of tickets for entertainment events

"Kontramarka" is a service that distributes tickets for concert and entertainment events online. In the event-field, the company provides information at the national level about cultural events that visitors of the site can attend.

The value of the service lies in the ability to purchase a ticket at an affordable price and independently choose a seat in the auditorium. The Maestro Ticket System, which has been in operation since 2013, has connected large theaters, clubs, stadiums, cinemas, museums and concert venues to the Kontramarki service. This provides site customers with access to diverse cultural and entertainment events, information about which comes from reliable sources. Since the service provides services on the network, there are no physical offices as such. However, every site visitor can count on the help of a consultant in real time during business hours.

What does "Kontramarka" offer

On the constantly updated page of the service you will find ticket offers:

  • to the theatre;
  • movie;
  • to concerts;
  • festivals;
  • activities for children;
  • sport events.

Theatrical performances are among the most affordable and diverse cultural events. For lovers of theatrical art, there is something to see in the capital. Ticket prices are more than democratic, so you can go to the show with your family or a group of friends and colleagues. Using the search filters, it is easy to select a performance of the desired genre or mood, and most importantly - quickly.

It is also convenient to buy tickets for concerts of Ukrainian and foreign pop stars. In order to find out the dates of the tour in time and to book the corresponding places, stay tuned to the website for updates.

Advantages of "Kontramarka"

The services of the service will appeal to those who know the value of time and money. "Kontramarka" provides:

  • clear interface that makes it easy to choose;
  • no need to pick up tickets at the box office;
  • issuing an electronic ticket within a few minutes;
  • information about news in the field of entertainment in the Kontramarka groups in social networks;
  • lottery tickets;
  • newsletter with up-to-date information about events and discounts.