Paintball Game for a Company of up to 12 People in the Paintball Center «Warriors Paintball»

Kyiv, Novokonstantinovskaya street, 15

Warriors Paintball Club4.55 user feedbacks
saving₴3 401

Description of the campaign

With a certificate, you get a game of paintball for a company of 6 to 12 people on a weekday at the Warriors Paintball Club sports paintball center at a discount.

What is included in the price of the certificate?

  • 60 minutes of paintball for a team of 6 to 12 people from Monday to Friday.
  • Equipment rental (1 hour): paintball gun, standard protective mask.
  • 200 balls per player.

Additionally paid


  • 100 balls - 150 UAH.
  • Form - 50 UAH.
  • Improved (non-fogging mask) - 50 UAH.
  • Vest - 50 UAH.
  • Groin protection - 50 UAH.

How to use a certificate?

The certificate cannot be returned or refunded after its expiry date

The price includes payment for information services provided by SuperDeal on the basis of the Public Offer, including the commission of payment systems for transactions on the Internet.


  • On public holidays, the club is open by appointment.
  • The promotion is valid on weekdays (Monday to Friday).
  • One team can personally use only one certificate.
  • Before buying a certificate, be sure to check the availability of seats for the desired date and time at least a day before the game.
  • The minimum number of people for the game is 6 people (2 teams of 3 people). The certificate is purchased for a team for the specified number of people.
  • Certificates are not combined with each other.


  • Discount on certificates is not summed up with other promotional offers of the center.
  • To receive the discount, you must present the certificate in electronic form.
  • Call the last digit of the certificate (activation code) only when receiving the service. After activation, the service is considered provided, and the certificate is non-refundable.
  • If the client signed up for the game, but did not appear at the specified time and did not warn about the change in his plans 24 hours in advance or was late, the administration reserves the right to refuse to provide him with services at a discount.
  • Games are played in the indoor games room.
  • It is advisable to take a change of shoes with you.
  • The duration of one game is 1 hour.
Warriors Paintball Club 4.5

Paintball club

Paintball club «Warriors» in Kyiv offers:

  • Modern sports hall.
  • Professional equipment.
  • European class field with carpeting.
  • Night paintball.
  • Paintball with unlimited number of balls.

Here you can organize any event, celebrate a birthday or corporate party. The club guarantees that the time spent here will be remembered by you as the most pleasant moments.

1 address in 1 city

st. Pochayna , Kyiv, Novokonstantinovskaya street, 15

Open: 00:00-24:00
In detail

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