Up to 60 Months of Online English Learning at the «British Language Centre»

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British language center459 user feedbacks
saving₴45 204

Description of the campaign

With a certificate, you get 12, 24, 36 or 60 months of online English at a «British Language Centre» school at a discount.

Service description

Learning English online is easy, convenient and very exciting. The international company Blc4u.com offers everyone who wants to learn a language without leaving home. Before the start of classes, you can take a free test, which will help determine the level of knowledge. There are six such levels in total, and the training program at each of them includes 120 hours. Within six months, students improve their reading, speaking and writing skills, communicate with each other, participate in modeling real life situations, and complete assignments.

Course author

The author of the courses is the British Language Center (BLC). The British Language Center «British Language Centre» is an officially accredited International Examination Center from the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry LCCI and Cambridge University ESOL Examinations.

BLC not only develops materials, but also administers the most prestigious language exams recognized worldwide. The training is carried out by native speakers and teachers with a bachelor's degree.

Teachers responsible for learning

The development of materials and the conduct of training are carried out exclusively by highly qualified specialists - teachers who have a bachelor's degree in English, as well as native speakers who are qualified and entitled to teach English on the basis of internationally recognized documents, such as: Certificate of teaching English for adult students - CELTA and Diploma in Teaching English for Adult Students - DELTA.

Official confirmation of completion of training

BLC students are entitled to a free examination session at the end of each course. After passing the exam, an official BLC4u certificate is issued, which confirms knowledge of the English language at the appropriate level and is recognized by many international companies and institutions of the European Union.

Education system

  • Each English language course is divided into 6 levels. Each level has a duration of about 6 months and covers a huge number of language issues.
  • Each level consists of 6 units (lessons) and is designed for more than 120 hours of training.
  • Most students study 2 times a week for 2 hours.
  • Each section includes different methods aimed at improving language skills (grammar, application of English, reading, listening, speaking, writing English).

Checking your level

Before determining your current level of English proficiency, you need to take a free pre-proficiency test, and based on its results, you will be offered the best course of study.

How to use a certificate?

The certificate cannot be returned or refunded after its expiry date

The price includes payment for information services provided by SuperDeal on the basis of the Public Offer, including the commission of payment systems for transactions on the Internet.


  • Services are provided as usual.
  • One client can personally use only one certificate.
  • You can start learning immediately after purchasing the certificate.


  • The certificate discount cannot be combined with other current offers of the school.
  • To receive a discount, you must register on the site.
  • If desired, before the start of classes, you can take a free test and determine the level of knowledge.
  • You can choose any of 6 levels: Basic, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Lower Intermediate, Intermediate, Higher Intermediate (see the list of courses here).
  • The duration of the level study is 120 academic hours for 6-10 months (2 times a week).
  • You can view the online training scheme here.
  • You can see some of the topics covered at each level here.
  • The student will receive an international certificate from BLC4u, which is recognized by thousands of international companies such as: IBM, Coca-Cola, DHL, Procter & Gamble, LG, Hyundai, Deutsche Bank, Peugeot, Dell, KLM/Air France, Philips, BMW, Nestle, Sanofi Aventis and others.
  • If you have any questions or problems with certificate activation, please contact support by e-mail: service.en@blc4u.com
     The deadline for the response of the support service to incoming requests is 24 hours from the moment the request is received on business days.


  • It is necessary to fill in the registration form.
  • Select «Yes» in the «Company Account» checkbox.
  • Fill in all available fields.
  • Enter «Purchase» in the «Company Name» field.
  • Enter 12 digits of the certificate number separated by a hyphen in the «Enter Coupon Code» field.
  • Enter the last digit of the certificate number in the «Enter security code» field.
  • Click on the «Activate your coupon code» button.
  • Fill example.

How to register on the site and activate the certificate

  • The coupon code in the format 123-123456-123-X.
  • Where X is a number from 0 to 9.
  • In field 1, you need to enter the code 123-123456-123 (without the last digit).
  • In the «Security code» field - the last digit of the certificate.
  • Enter your email twice to which access to the course will be sent.
  • Only for legal entities, if they need to issue an invoice to attribute to expenses (by default, the «no» checkbox is checked).
  • Fill in the characters from the picture.
  • Press the «Activate» button.
British language center 4

Online English School

Before you start learning English remotely, ask yourself a few questions:

  • How are these courses organized?
  • Who provides training and material development?
  • What do you get after completing online education?

The English course is divided into 6 levels. Each of them has a duration of about 6 months and consists of a huge amount of material and questions. After completing online training courses you will receive a certificate confirming your level of knowledge. This certificate is recognized in most countries of the world and it is appreciated by many employers.

Before you start online training, you need to take a test at an online school, so you will understand your level of knowledge and online instructors will help you choose the best study course for you individually.

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