Up to 5 Consultations with Psychoanalytic Therapy from Psychologist Natalia Minko

Sumy, Cossack val street, 2b

Psychologist Minko Natalya4.677 user feedbacks
saving₴2 601

Description of the campaign

With the certificate, you get 1, 3 or 5 consultations with psychoanalytic therapy from psychologist Natalia Minko with a discount.

Service description

The office of the gestalt therapist, psychologist Natalia Minko provides comprehensive psychological assistance and support to patients in difficult situations. The appointment is carried out by a certified recommended Gestalt therapist. The creator of the author's program - "10 steps to the man of your dreams" and the author's transformation game "How to marry a millionaire." The specialist participates in psychological master classes, workshops, lectures, trainings. Provides personal online or offline consultations throughout Ukraine.

Services provided by a private office:

  • Individual consultation.
  • Individual psychotherapy of crisis states.
  • Business consulting.
  • Treatment of depression and neuroses.
  • work with couples and children.
  • Overcoming difficulties in achieving the goal.
  • Treating panic attacks and anxiety.
  • Helping patients who suffer from love and other addictions.

The advantages of a private practice are an individual approach to solving a problem, comfortable conditions for clients, respect for confidentiality, and an affordable cost of services.

How to use a certificate?

The certificate cannot be returned or refunded after its expiry date

The price includes payment for information services provided by SuperDeal on the basis of the Public Offer, including the commission of payment systems for transactions on the Internet.


  • Services are provided as usual.
  • One client can personally use only one certificate.
  • Pre-registration is required.


  • Discounts on certificates are not cumulative with other promotional offers.
  • To receive a discount, you need to present a printed certificate or an electronic certificate.
  • For an online consultation, you must send a certificate in electronic form to enigmanataly@yandex.ua and then sign up for a consultation.
  • Give the last digit of the certificate (activation code) only when receiving the service. After activation, the service is considered to be provided, and the certificate cannot be returned.
  • The duration of one session is 60 minutes.
  • Consultations are held online or offline (Sumy).
  • You can sign up in any way convenient and accessible to you.
  • During the session, the psychologist uses gestalt therapy.
Psychologist Minko Natalya 4.67

Psychologist's office

Phones: +38 (095) 146-50-26

Natalya Minko is a certified Gestalt therapist and trainer in Gestalt therapy programs of 1-2 degrees, specialization «Working with a difficult client. Epistemology». Works in the UK, in the city of Glasgow. She specializes in working with children with mental disabilities. In addition, she conducts therapy, training and educational groups both offline and online. Therapeutic groups – «Exiting the Karpman Triangle», «Meeting with Feelings», «The Art of Being Yourself» and «The Narcissism Zone». Natalya is also a speaker at various all-Ukrainian and international festivals. She is the author of the programs «10 steps to the man of your dreams», «How to become a winner» and transformation games. She has also completed the GATLA advanced training program and is currently studying the Gestalt Supervisor Training program from EAGT.

2 addresses in 2 cities

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