Татуаж бровей в студии татуажа «L.makeup Studio»

Киев, Александра Мишуги улица, 10

L.makeup Studio4.9334 user feedbacks
saving₴1 501

Description of the campaign

С сертификатом вы получаете бровей в студии татуажа «L.makeup Studio» со скидкой 75%.

Additionally paid


  • Анестезия - 200 грн.

How to use a certificate?

The certificate cannot be returned or refunded after its expiry date

The price includes payment for information services provided by SuperDeal on the basis of the Public Offer, including the commission of payment systems for transactions on the Internet.


  • Один человек может использовать только один сертификат по данной акции.
  • Необходима предварительная запись на процедуру.


  • Скидка по сертификатам не суммируется с другими акционными предложениями салона.
  • Называйте код активации сертификата непосредственно при получении услуги (последняя цифра кода сертификата).
L.makeup Studio 4.93

Tattoo Studio

Phones: +38 (099) 450-55-55 +38 (063) 246-96-61 +38 (096) 326-25-62

Catastrophically not enough time and nerves for daily makeup? L.makeup Studio offers its services to all comers. In the studio you will perform a tattoo procedure of any complexity, based on the individual characteristics of your appearance. Get rid of daily worries by trusting professionals.
Modern equipment and pigments from Germany, Israel and the USA will provide a high-quality result using effective anesthesia. Also in the studio you can fix low-quality tattoo or say goodbye to him forever with the help of the laser "ND: YAG Q-switch".

1 address in 1 city

st. Pozniaky , Киев, Александра Мишуги улица, 10

БЦ «Параллель» 4 этаж, 414 офис

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