SPA Ritual «Caesar and Cleopatra» for Two in the Beauty Salon «BodyLike»

Kyiv, Shchekavitskaya street, 30/39

Body Like4.7947 user feedbacks
saving₴2 641

Description of the campaign

With the certificate you receive the «Caesar and Cleopatra» SPA ritual for two in the «BodyLike» beauty salon at a discount. The offer is relevant only for new customers.

Service description

The Ukrainian queen and the Ukrainian hetman, surrounded by Japanese engravings, handmade Chinese porcelain, unique wallpaper made on natural silk based on ancient oriental prints, in the fragrance of tropical flowers and fruits, and constant aromatherapy, will be treated to a truly royal «Caesar and Cleopatra» procedure.

After the procedure, the body will be filled with bliss, and the soul will be filled with relaxing music from Thailand, Bali and Japan. Your procedure will be accompanied by tea drinking, and the master will offer you the tea that will enhance the procedure and give maximum effect.

Progress of the procedure (for her)

1️. Detoxification and opening of pores using Lake Sivash salt

You immerse yourself in a bath in a Japanese SPA capsule, hydromassage and LED therapy are turned on, and the master gradually pours in Sivash salt granules.

Rappa Sivash is concentrated salt granules. Sivash products contain a very rare and beneficial microalgae Dunaliella Salina; it produces a large amount of carotenoids and, above all, beta-carotene, which is a precursor of provitamin A (vitamin of youth). Beta-carotene gives salt a beautiful pink color. It contains a high content of bromine - 350.4 mg/dm3, iodine - 10.49 mg/dm3, orthoboric acid - 182.54 mg/dm3, organic biologically active substances. You feel how your body is strengthened, its defenses are activated.

2. Activation of the vitality of skin cells

The temperature gradually increases, Dead Sea salt with collagen is added.

  • You will replenish vitamin deficiencies and provide gentle care to dehydrated and dull skin after a long winter.
  • The product contains a complex of useful microelements that slow down the aging process.
  • Iodine, magnesium and bromine have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
  • Soothes irritated areas, neutralizes redness and rashes.
  • Potassium retains the necessary amount of moisture in cells, preventing excessive dryness and flaking.
  • Sulfur stimulates the formation of new collagen fibers, which improves skin condition and increases firmness and elasticity.

3. Relaxation and hydration, ozone therapy

And now you enter the land of pure pleasure and careful care of your skin. Indulge your senses with silky, soft foam and subtle aroma. You relax while a collagen bath with hyaluronic acid and coenzyme Q10 provides your skin with collagen, the most important element for a healthy and youthful appearance. Along with collagen, your skin receives hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the correct level of skin hydration, and coenzyme Q10, a natural antioxidant that prevents skin aging caused by free radicals. Ozone therapy is activated in the Spa capsule, and at the last stage you breathe pure O3 ozone.

4. Nutrition and rejuvenation

An elixir serum with stem cells, collagen, and shea butter is applied to your body, which provides a moisturizing, nourishing effect thanks to fatty acids. It has protective properties, reduces the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin and neutralizes free radicals. And L-carnitine, which is part of the elixir, stimulates the breakdown of fat and prevents its accumulation. Green tea extract removes toxins and improves blood circulation. Thanks to this complex effect of serum components, the skin condition improves, it becomes smooth, firm and elastic.

5. Deep penetration of the elixir into the skin

  • The guest's body is wrapped in film and placed in a blanket with infrared radiation.

Progress of the procedure (for him)

1. Exfoliation with magnesium bischofite crystals

It is carried out with massage hands and then washed off in the shower.
Bishofite is crystallized vapor from the Ancient Sea. In 1992, practically unlimited reserves of magnesium raw materials were discovered in Ukraine. For the first time in world practice, a highly mineralized solution containing up to 97% MgCl2, which also contains valuable microelements, was obtained from a depth of 2000-2500 m. Bischofite of the Poltava deposit is a product of crystallization of salts located near Poltava at a depth of 2.5 km. The composition of Poltava bischofite is a polymineral complex of sulfates and chlorides of magnesium, potassium, calcium, with a high content of iodine, bromine, zinc, manganese, iron, molybdenum, copper, chromium and other trace elements.

The biological properties of bischofite are determined by the complex of minerals and quantitative characteristics:

Magnesium effects:

  • Necessary for the functioning of the muscular, nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.
  • More than 50% of magnesium is found in bone and cartilage tissue, so it plays a skeletal-forming role.
  • About 50% of magnesium is found in the heart and muscles.
  • 1% magnesium is found in blood plasma.
  • It has an antispasmodic and relaxing effect on the muscles of internal organs and blood vessels.
  • Regulator of nervous activity, neuromuscular transmission, muscle tone.
  • A regulator of calcium metabolism, magnesium controls the accumulation of calcium in cartilage and bones.
  • Hypotensive.
  • Anti-ischemic.
  • Hypolipidemic.
  • Antiarrhythmic.
  • Antispastic.
  • Antithrombotic.
  • Anticonvulsant.
  • Anesthetic.
  • Sedative.
  • Normalization of excitability of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Stimulation of peristalsis of smooth muscle tissue.
  • Participation in the formation of bone tissue.

Magnesium deficiency:

  • Increases the leaching of calcium from joints and bones.
  • Leads to osteoporosis and general dystrophy.
  • Leads to dysplasia of articular cartilage and ligaments.
  • With magnesium deficiency, calcium is excreted, settling as sand in the gallbladder and kidneys.
  • Magnesium deficiency is the main cause of osteoporosis and many diseases of the joints and spine after 35-40 years.

2. Mud therapy with mud from Lake Sivash

Apply to the entire body. Mud from Lake Sivash contains many mineral and organic substances, amino acids, enzymes, hormone-like compounds and trace elements. During the mud therapy procedure, due to chemical, mechanical and thermal effects on peripheral nerve endings, upon contact with human skin, an active reaction of the body is activated in the form of:

  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Increases metabolism.
  • Reducing levels of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. Increased production of feel-good hormones such as serotonin and oxytocin.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Reducing pain, irritability.
  • Disappearance of symptoms characterized by chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Increasing immunity, especially after winter.

Main indications for the use of Sivash mud

Arthritis, polyarthritis, joint diseases:

  • The sensitivity threshold of pain receptors is reduced, a membrane-stabilizing effect is exerted, signs of exudative inflammation and disorganization of collagen fibers are eliminated, and the restoration of the synovial membrane is accelerated.

Peripheral vascular diseases:

  • The therapeutic effect of salt is primarily due to its high thermal conductivity compared to ordinary water. Absorbed heat causes the superficial vessels of the skin to dilate and increase its blood flow 1.2 times more than fresh water. Due to the deformation of the thermosensitive structures of the skin, the outflow of blood and the flow of fluid into the capillary bed improves, the factors of the antihemorrhoidal blood system are activated and the thrombus-forming reactions of platelets are reduced. A decrease in the amount of antibodies in the blood leads to activation of immune processes. These processes, along with stimulation of regeneration, contribute to the rapid resorption of the inflammatory focus, and tissue swelling decreases.

Skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne, fungus of the extremities):

  • Mud has a disinsibilizing effect, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, provides a local immunomodulatory effect, improves skin trophism and the healing process.
  • Promotes the resorption of old plaques in psoriasis and foci of lichenification in atopic dermatitis, the onset of remission of the disease or a decrease in the intensity of its subsequent exacerbations.


  • These baths improve the functional state of the nervous system, skin, normalize immunological parameters, etc.

3. Warming up in a thermal blanket

  • The guest's body is wrapped in film and placed in a carpet with infrared radiation. Warm up 20 minutes.

4. Oxygen-pearl bath in a Japanese SPA capsule with oxygen-water hydromassage, LED therapy, ozone therapy and 3 products that are gradually added to the water.

Three unbeatable bath products:

  • Rappa of pink lake Sivash.
  • Magnesium plates bischofite.
  • Bishofite salt.

All products are gradually added to the bath and the functions of the SPA capsule are turned on.

Magnesium plates
These are crystals of 100% magnesium chloride, the purest natural mineral, which is mined at a depth of 2500 meters, in places where ancient seas occur. The plates are large, but they dissolve quickly and completely. Unscented: Contains no essential oils or fragrances. Magnesium crystals for baths and local baths have long been used to restore magnesium levels for muscle pain, spasms and joint problems, as well as to strengthen bone tissue and nails. Magnesium baths relieve stress after a hard day and soothe, preparing the body for a good night's sleep. The effects of a relaxing magnesium bath are felt almost instantly. Magnesium also promotes the healing of scratches and superficial skin damage.

Benefits of magnesium bath plates:

  • To restore the epidermis and beautiful skin - healing cracks, relieving symptoms of psoriasis, treating dermatosis.
  • Improvement of joints and muscles – relieving tension and pain.
  • For patients with diabetes in the form of foot baths.
  • Relaxing before bed and strengthening the nerves.
  • Removing toxic substances, improving metabolic processes.
  • Rejuvenation and weight loss.
  • Relieving inflammation, irritation, toning and tightening the skin.
  • Relief of well-being in diabetes mellitus.


  • Irritability, overwork.
  • Long-term emotional tension, stress.
  • Flights, changing time zones.
  • Insomnia, fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure.
  • Pain in the back, joints, muscles.
  • Premature skin aging.
  • Diabetic foot, cracks, psoriasis.

Sivash salt and rappa are concentrated salt granules and solution. Sivash's products contain a very rare and beneficial microalgae, Dunaliella Salina, which produces a large amount of carotenoids and, above all, beta-carotene, which is a precursor of provitamin A (vitamin of youth). Beta-carotene gives salt a beautiful pink color. It contains a high content of bromine - 350.4 mg/dm3, iodine - 10.49 mg/dm3, orthoboric acid - 182.54 mg/dm3, organic biologically active substances. Sivash salt is used for baths, both as an independent course of treatment and in combination with mud therapy. After just a few baths, you will feel how they have strengthened your body, activating its defenses.

Bishofite effect:

  • Tonic, adaptogenic effect.
  • Normalizes metabolic neurovegetative functions of the body.
  • The composition of a wide range of macro- and microelements suggests a biochemically determined effect on enzymatic activity.
  • Due to the high magnesium content - specific calcium antagonistic activity.
  • The content of iodine and bromine expands the indications for the use of bischofite for diseases of the thyroid gland, nervous system and diabetes.
  • Bishofite has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect and affects the processes of local immunity through stimulation of phagocyte activity.
  • Capable of suppressing the growth of opportunistic flora, a number of fungi and intestinal bacteria.
  • Bischofite baths are useful for vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Useful for metabolic disorders and general well-being.
  • Increases performance, reduces stress, sleep disorders, a complex of general health procedures.
  • The main regulator of calcium absorption in the body is not only vitamin D, but also magnesium ion.
  • In addition to the magnesium effect, baths with bischofite have additional therapeutic effects.

Effects of bromine:

  • Strengthening and concentration of inhibition processes.
  • Restoring the balance of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

Potassium effects:

  • Ensuring the normal flow of bioelectric processes.
  • Regulation of the neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems.

Effects of iodine:

  • Stimulation of protein synthesis.
  • Increased fibrinolytic activity of the blood.
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis.
  • Increased secretion of the glands of the respiratory system.
  • Elimination of iodine deficiency due to hypofunction of the thyroid gland.

Effects of micro- and ultramicroelements:

  • Components of vitamins, enzymes, mediators.
  • Normalization of immunity, metabolic and enzymatic activity.

Benefits of baths with bischofite:

  • General baths with bischofite have a restorative, adaptogenic effect; relieve stress, stabilize the autonomic nervous system, heart function, and therefore normalize blood pressure.
  • Bischofite baths tone the skin of the entire body. Already the first bischofite bath ensures healthy sleep, restoration of strength and a surge of energy.
  • After a bischofite bath, a salt cloak is formed on the patient’s skin - a film that lasts and has a beneficial effect for up to several hours.

What is included in the price of the certificate?

For her:

1. Cleopatra's bath in the Yanon spa capsule with oxygen-water hydromassage, led therapy, ozone therapy, 3 agents that are gradually added to the water.

  • Three unsurpassed bath products:
  • Rapa of pink lake Sivash.
  • Dead sea salt with collagen.
  • Milk bath with collagen, hyaluronic acid and coenzyme q10.

2. Wrapping with stem cells.
3. Heating in an electric blanket with infrared radiation.
4. Tea party.

For him:

1. Exfoliation with Bishofit magnesium crystals.
2. Mud treatment with Sivash silt mud all over the body.
3. Warming up in a thermal blanket.
4. Oxygen-pearl bath in the Yanon spa capsule with oxygen-water hydromassage, led therapy, ozone therapy with 3 agents that are gradually added to the water.

Three unsurpassed bath products:

  • Rappa of the pink Sivash lake.
  • Magnesium flakes.
  • Bishofit salt.

Additionally paid


  • Presotherapy 20 minutes – 300 UAH.
  • Massage 30 minutes – 450 UAH.
  • Endosphere 30 minutes – 600 UAH.
  • EMSCULPT 30 minutes – 600 UAH.
  • Stone therapy with jade stones – 600 UAH.
  • Massage with herbal bags – 600 UAH.

How to use a certificate?

The certificate cannot be returned or refunded after its expiry date

The price includes payment for information services provided by SuperDeal on the basis of the Public Offer, including the commission of payment systems for transactions on the Internet.


  • The offer is relevant only for new customers.
  • Before purchasing a certificate, be sure to check availability for the desired date and time.


  • Certificate discounts cannot be combined with other promotional offers.
  • To receive a discount, you must present a certificate in electronic form.
  • State the last digit of the certificate (activation code) only when receiving the service. Once activated, the service is considered provided and the certificate cannot be returned.
  • If you signed up for a session, but did not show up at the specified time and did not notify 24 hours in advance of canceling the visit, and were also more than 15 minutes late, the administration reserves the right to refuse to provide discounted services, and the session is considered completed.
  • The procedures are performed by specialists with medical education.
  • Session duration is 60 minutes.
Body Like 4.79

Beauty saloon

Phones: +38 (093) 982-24-64

Salon «BodyLike» solves many aesthetic problems of the face and body with the help of hardware and classical cosmetology. For the procedures, the latest generation devices (2019-2020) and high quality cosmeceuticals are used. Salon services:

  • Smas lifting.
  • Shock wave therapy.
  • Non-surgical face and body lift.
  • Epilation.
  • Massages, SPA rituals, SPA procedures (the salon has a SPA capsule with LED treatment, ozone therapy, infrared and steam sauna, Charcot shower, aromatherapy, pearl bath and oxygen-hydromassage bath).
  • Body shaping, fat burning: RF lifting, cryolipolysis, thermal blanket, vacuum-roller massage, vacuum ultrasonic cavitation, vacuum-pulse massage «Brazilian Ass», pressotherapy.
  • Complex facial treatment.
  • Carbon peeling, tattoo and age spots removal.
  • Mono and bipolar RF.
  • Dermafirm care, rejuvenation, lifting.

In the «BodyLike» salon you will find professional service and an atmosphere of calm and harmony.

  • There is light, there is ecoflow in the cabin (works for 10 hours without electricity)

1 address in 1 city

st. Kontraktova ploscha , Kyiv, Shchekavitskaya street, 30/39

Open: 10:00-20:00
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